Random Thoughts

Random thoughts that occur to me that I am sending out into the great void.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Coffee shop food

So I am struggling with wether to have donuts and kolaches, or just home baked goodies. Right now, I am thinking standard fare: cookies, cupcakes, rice crispy treats, cakes and pies. I would like to have some protein avaiable, but am not sure what, since I am limited by funds and the restrictions of the Texas bakers bill. I would love to offer quiche, but I don't think that will be a viable option. Thoughts? I think I will be making jelly rolls fairly often (mmmmm pumpkin cream cheese jelly roll), but what do y'all think of the donut situation?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Legacy Cafe

Now that I have our family blog to talk about the family(http://jchondawn.wordpress.com/), I am planning on using this blog to now start documenting our forray into our cafe. We are hoping to open in about 6 weeks, and I am primarily going to be making the food for the shop myself. The texas basker's bill just went into affect, and I am very excited about trying out new recipes and seeing how they work. Stay tuned for more;-).
First thing I have been semi-researching are jelly rolls. I am thinking with a nutella filling....what do you think?

I’ll Have a Double-shot Latte, please.

Jchon and I are opening a coffee shop. Did you know that?

Not a full-blown, stand-alone coffee shop. A coffee shop within the walls of our church. But a coffee shop none-the-less.

I was going to write out this whole long journal entry about how it all began, how long it’s taken and all that’s happened along the way – but that started getting really long and really boring.

And since my goal here is to gain and retain you as a reader – I saved that to a folder I’ll probably forget about and end up deleting eventually.

So instead I will first present a few facts about our little venture and then pose a question for you.


1. The name of the coffee shop: Legacy Cafe (that topic alone will likely be an upcoming post)

2. Hours of Operation: Cafe will be open whenever there is a significant scheduled gathering (Sunday services, weekly classes, special events, etc.)

3. Grand Opening: We hope to be open by the this winter.

4. The heart behind the cafe: Actually, that’s it for now because I don’t want to bias the question I now pose to you.


How do you feel about a retail coffee shop operating physically within a church?