Random Thoughts

Random thoughts that occur to me that I am sending out into the great void.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Chatty Daniel

So this is part of what I have been doing with my time lately. He is getting SOOO big so fast! lets see... in the last 3 months, I have had a baby, my father has had a heart attack, we have looked at acres and acres, houses by the dozens, neighborhoods, land, and everything in between. We have finally settled on a house just one block over form one of my best friends. We have also been to a family reunion in Amsterdam Mo, and then I had my niece for a week..that was very busy with the zoo, museum, waterpark, mall for shopping and manicures, making a quilt, baking and general merriment. MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) prep is getting into high gear ( I will be a coordinator this year~little scary but I keep telling myself God doesn't call the equipt, he equipts the called;-)Check the website for more pics soon... I should be posting them very soon:-)...so Hopefully I will be able to start postin on a regular basis again;-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

JJ Ism

Time Flys! Lots happening...fill in more later (hopefully soon;-) but just thought this was too cute to not pass on in my 2 seconds of "free" time. I was going to dinner with our small group the other night, and came downstairs wearing a sun dress. Now as the mother of 2 boys, my usual uniform is jeans or shorts and a t-shirt. Didn't realize how much of my feminine side was being steamrolled by my virtually all male household, until JJ saw me and said in amazement "Mommy...WHAT are you wearing? Why is your shirt so LONG?" .....hmmm.... might have to dig out my girly side a little more often;-)