Random Thoughts

Random thoughts that occur to me that I am sending out into the great void.

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Sweet sweet boy

Some days your kids just say something that makes you feel like all the hard work and repetition MIGHT be working and creating good. Today JJ was VERY naughty during his "nap" (really quiet time)- and as a result when it was time for him to get up, he received a spanking. After his spanking, he turned around and said "Thank you Mommy for giving me a spanking to help me remember to be good" (promise...not making this up). Melts your heart!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas you wonderful old Building and Loan!

Well, as I have not really stopped in at least a week, and I am finally sitting for 5 minutes, I figured I would shout out wishes to everyone hoping you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was full of craziness and wonderful family and LOTS of baking....just yesterday I made (from scratch of course;-) 2 pecan pies, a cherry pie, 2 apricot brandy poundcakes, 2 dozen rolls, sweet potatoes and a ham. Helped with Fudge as well, which unfortunately made much of it's way into the collection of holiday junk in the trunk;-)...Oh well..tomorrow is another day...and even though it has not been a full 5 minutes... I think I need to go grab the laundry out of the dryer and get JJ up from his "nap" before he wakes daniel up. Wishing everyone a joyous new year filled with love, contentment, gratitude, friendships deepened, restful nights and dreams embraced.