Random Thoughts

Random thoughts that occur to me that I am sending out into the great void.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Jack Nicholson?

As is normally the case, when it rains it pours in my blog- nothing for a month and then 2 in one day:-). I was going through some pics and these stuck out...Daniel giggling with his triple chin and then both boys. The second was one of those things that seemed really good in my mind and when I took the picture, they were both acting crazy instead of serene and sweet...daniel looks loke a possesed jack;-)

Running Behind

My Goodness,
I can't believe it has been a month since I have blgged. Life does tend to get away from me sometimes:-) Here is a summary of my last month and some pics to go with it:

Our friends all came here to visit from LA and London/Belguim. WE had a great time and I found a new passion. DDR to those in the know;-) Hopefully I will get one for my birthday next week. They even played the settlers of catan with me! Woohoo!:-)
Then we had both JJ's family birthday and his "friend" birthday where we took all the kids to the firestation and got a special tour from our friend Mr Ray! (Thanks again ray!!)

After all of that, I went to Orlando for 4 days with 8 women from church for a MOPS convention (MOthers of Preschoolers). IT was so wonderful! Jchon took such wonderful care of the boys and I didnt have to cook, or clean and I even got to eat my own meals while they were HOT! Can you imagine? AND I got to eat cookeis whenever I wanted without having to worry about if a little one was going to catch me and want one too:-) Ahh... how relaxing. Even got to sunbathe a bit by the pool and read a bit! IT really was wonderful. But alas, back to reality:-) Both boys are making me pay for my trip. Daniel has been very fussy (is currently screaming!) and JJ has been very disobedient. Well.. at least I do love my job!:-)